
Reducing the risk of movement in transport for beverage manufacturers through imporving pallet stability.

Solving pallet stability issues and preventing damage during transit.

We estimate that companies are losing as much as 5% of all palletised goods due to damage as a result of movement in transit and unsuitable secondary packaging.

Reduce the risk of damage during transit

Wrongly matched products for your requirements will have significant consequences. Getting the right material and implementing it correctly is essential for pallet stability and will prevent damage during transit and the associated costs such as retailer fines.

How we

improve pallet stability in the beverage industry

Liquids are inherently unstable and we know that pallet stability is a real problem within the industry. Through testing, optimisation and implementation, we have helped beverage companies across Europe solve pallet stability issues and reduce the costs of movement during transit.

Mixed Load | Lindum Packaging

Pallet stability testing

Our Mobile Pallet Stability Test Lab replicates the forces a pallet experiences during an emergency stop, the most extreme for a pallet will face. This allows us to identify the root cause of any stability issues and then develop a solution. We also have the capabilities to test the durability of a pallet over extended journeys using different tests which offer another angle to pallet stability testing.

Packaging formulation | Lindum Packaging

The right products

Choosing the right stretch film for your requirements is critical to pallet stability. We invest time into your process to identify what film will work best for the products you are wrapping and the machines you are using. Our team of packaging technologists will design and test different packaging formats for your pallet in order to arrive at the optimal solution.

Machine optimisation

The key to pallet stability is implementation and optimisation. This involves optimising machine settings to ensure that the film is being stretched to its optimum and it is applying the right amount of wrap. This is as important as selecting the correct product and we will work with you to get this right. With our IoT monitoring device, Kontrol 4.0, you can get even more detailed data on your pallet wrapper performance.

Key packaging issues we help prevent

Mixed Load | Lindum Packaging

Liquid loads

Liquid products are inherently challenging to handle due to the dynamic movement within the containers and their weight, often resulting in heavy and unstable pallets. The nature of liquid transportation requires a thorough understanding of load dynamics and reliable packaging products to ensure safe and stable delivery.

Packaging formulation | Lindum Packaging

Thinner plastic bottles

With environmental concerns driving companies to reduce plastic usage, many are opting for thinner plastic bottles. This shift, while beneficial for the environment, reduces the rigidity of packaging loads. These lighter, less stable bottles can struggle to support their own weight, posing significant challenges in maintaining pallet integrity during transit.

Cardboard sleeves/trays

As the industry moves towards more sustainable packaging options, such as replacing plastic sleeves and trays for cans with cardboard alternatives, new challenges arise. Cardboard, though environmentally friendly, lacks the rigidity of plastic, making it less effective at holding packs of cans together.

Production pressure | Lindum

Production pressure

The demands of high-speed production lines put significant stress on packaging materials. Understanding the performance requirements of stretch films under such conditions is crucial to prevent disruptions, such as film snapping, which can lead to costly production downtime and affect overall productivity.

Protect your goods in transit with our

High Performance Packaging

Sustainable packaging solutions that save you money, reduce your plastic waste and minimise environmental impact

Eliminate movement in transport with

Scientifically Proven Pallet Stability

Don’t leave it to chance, ensure your pallet loads are secured for optimal security with pallet stability testing.

Step-by-step process of how we help our customers

How we work

Pallet stability testing in a warehouse setting to ensure load security | Lindum Packaging

Our collaboration begins with a discovery meeting, during which we discuss your specific needs, explore your goals, and examine the issues you are currently facing.

Packaging audit: We conduct a detailed packaging audit by visiting your site to assess your current packaging processes and products. During this phase, we identify any disruptions, such as loads falling or shifting, which can significantly impact your operations. We then develop solutions tailored to address these challenges.

Packaging formulation: If the problem is particularly complex, or if you are concerned about the audit disrupting your production, we can bring your pallets to our innovation centre for testing.

Following the audit, we reconvene with you to present our findings. We outline the current state of your packaging processes and propose detailed solutions, including changes in products, equipment adjustments, and stacking strategies.

To validate our proposed solutions, we conduct proof of concept trials. These involve using our test lab to demonstrate the effectiveness of the solutions on a smaller scale, ensuring they work as expected before full implementation.

Once the proposed solutions are approved, we establish the supply setup.

With everything set, we initiate production trials, where we closely monitor and support you in implementing the new products and processes. This ensures that everything functions correctly and allows for swift adjustments if needed.

Our commitment to your packaging efficiency does not end with the initial setup. We continue to support your operations through scheduled site audits and regular check-ups. Our account managers and engineering team remain actively involved, ensuring that any machine or technical issues are promptly addressed.

Customer Success Story

Metal Packaging Manufacturer

  • 64 %

    reduction in stretch film consumption

We helped save packaging manuafacturer of over 18 tonnes of plastic per year. The nano stretch film allowed for a reduction in cost per pallet wrapped from £0.81 to £0.41.

Customer Success Story

Multinational Drink And Brewing Company

  • 80 %

    reduction in movement transport

We helped a multinational drinks and brewing company reduce movement in transport occurences by 80%
Multinational Drink And Brewing Company | Lindum Packaging

Customer Success Story

Vegan Food Manufacturer

  • 71.2 %

    reduction in plastic

By switching to a pre-stretched hand pallet wrap, the customer was able to reduce the amount of film used to wrap each pallet from 375g to 108g on average.
Reliable transit packaging solutions for safe delivery | Lindum Packaging