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7 easy steps to ensure your pallets are wrapped securely.
Select a pallet
Use a pallet that is in good shape. Ensure that it is sturdy without any broken boards or splitting edges, and that it is close to the right size to accommodate your items.
Stack your goods
Stack the items on your pallet as close together as possible. If they have space to shift after being wrapped, it will loosen the pallet wrap, making the load unstable and increasing the risk of damaged goods. If you are unable to remove gaps between items then use anti-slip layer sheets between the layers to prevent movement. Consider how you will layer your products – an interlocking brick stack pattern may increase pallet stability but will damage the boxes more than a column stack pattern.
Place larger, heavier items at the bottom and stack smaller, lighter items on top. Try to ensure that the goods are within the boundaries of the pallet to reduce the risk of damage in transit.
Attach the wrap
Select your pallet wrap – a pre-stretched film like Carewrap is best as it requires less effort to wrap and give greater holding force. You may also need a perforated wrap like Ventiwrap if your product needs to ‘breath’. Peel a couple of feet of pallet wrap film off the roll. Squeeze about eight inches of the end of the wrap into a loose rope and thread it through and around a corner of your pallet. Tie to secure.
Wrap from the base
Wrap around the base of the pallet keeping a consistent firm stretch on the film. Make sure you wrap it securely enough to ensure stability and to avoid anything falling off. We suggest wrapping at least 4 times around the base, keeping the wrap especially tight around the corners.
Work your way up
Work your way up from the base, ensuring each layer overlaps the previous one. When you reach the top, start working your way back down again if required to make the load stable.
Secure the wrap
Once complete, tear the wrap and stick the end to the pallet or tuck it under one of the pallet’s edges.
Test the load stability
Finally, check the load stability to ensure that it is sturdy and the goods won’t shift in transit. You know you are done if you push the upper items and they are not loose.
Unsure what your load retention needs to be or whether the force you’re applying is sufficient? Contact us today to speak to one of our packaging experts or book your FREE Packaging Audit .