Colour Coding Guidelines for Retail Frozen Products

As a result of initial collaboration with Tesco, The British Frozen Food Federation (BFFF) has sought to persuade any Retailers introducing a colour coding system, to use the following standard format.


Category Tape Colour
In Store Bakery WHITE
Fish Counter, Deli Counters, Food Services BLACK
Ice Cream & Desserts PINK (Pantone 231)
Vegetables & Yorkshire Puddings GREEN (Pantone 354)
Potato Products YELLOW (Pantone 102)
Ready Meals  (Including vegetarian meals) DARK BLUE (Pantone 286)
Fish LIGHT BLUE (Pantone 298)
Pizza & Pies BROWN (Pantone 731)
Processed Meats  (Including processed poultry, burgers & sausages) ORANGE (Pantone 021)
Primal Poultry & Red Meats RED (Pantone 485)


Coloured Tape

When using coloured tape, both tapes need to be the same colour, or bottom tape must be clear to avoid confusion.  Tape must not obscure labels or bar codes.

Large Coloured Labels

If a coloured label is used, both tapes need to be clear to avoid confusion.  In order to avoid any scanning issues, do not colour the background of the barcode – leave it white with black print on it.

In order to make the colour-coding stand out, the coloured stripe should be minimum 1/3 of the width of the label or a minimum of 5cm wide, whichever is bigger.

Coloured Shrink Wrap
If coloured shrink wrap is used instead of a card outer, the label has to be white with black print on it to avoid confusion.

Coloured Print
If coloured print is applied to the box, both tapes need to be clear to avoid confusion.

Other colouring options are available but it should be remembered that the box must be easily and quickly identifiable in the ‘back room environment’.

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