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Working with packaging we are all too aware of the ongoing crisis in Ukraine and the impact it is having on prices and supply chains.
Here at Lindum Packaging, we are still aware of the human impact too with a number of our team recently volunteering for the Rapid Relief Team charity; making support boxes for women and children who have been displaced by the conflict.
The Rapid Relief Team (RRT) is a charity Lindum Packaging is closely connected with. The charity uniquely works solely with volunteers, so 100% of donations made go directly to RRT projects and campaigns across the UK and the globe.
Last week Patrick, Luella and Maria from the Lindum team dedicated time over their weekends to volunteer and assist with making baby and hygiene packs for the RRTs ongoing Ukraine crisis campaign. With so many mothers and children fleeing the country, the RRT create hygiene and baby packs to give to those that need them.
In light of the team’s recent volunteering efforts, we have come up with the idea of a 7 day challenge to help us raise vital funds for the RRT campaign. The challenge is to raise as much money as we can over the next 7 days.
So for every order placed over the next 7 days, we will donate £10 to the efforts of the RRT and their Ukraine relief campaign. It doesn’t matter if that order is required now, or in the near future, but we want to look at raising as much as we possibly can in the next week for this very worthy campaign.
Once the 7 days are up, we will let you know how much we have raised and how many baby care and hygiene kits that means we have supplied to this humanitarian effort.
What are you waiting for? Speak to us today about placing your orders.